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最新更新日時: 2011年01月25日 04時52分
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Amazon.co.jp: Music for Your Mother: Funkadelic: 音楽
1. Music for My Mother
2. Music for My Mother [Instrumental]
3. Can't Shake It Loose [#]
4. As Good as I Can Feel [#]
5. I Bet You
6. Qualify and Satisfy
7. Open Our Eyes
8. I Got a Thing, You Got a Thing, Everybody's Got a Thing
9. Fish, Chips & Sweat
10. I Wanna Know If It's Good to You?
1. Baby I Owe You Something Good [US Music with Funkadelic]
2. Hit It and Quit It
3. Whole Lot of BS
4. Loose Booty
5. Joyful Process
6. Cosmic Slop
7. If You Don't Like the Effects, Don't Produce the Cause
8. Standing on the Verge of Getting It On
9. Jimmy's Got a Little Bit of Bitch in Him
10. Red Hot Mama
作成: 2010年06月04日 22時06分 / 更新: 2010年06月04日 22時06分


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